We are much more than we think
What are we? Better yet are we what we think we are? These are very puzzling questions, but nonetheless questions that need to be asked. When we begin to ask these questions, we begin to realize something very strange, we often understand just what we are and are capable of. I believe this is because our knowledge of the world is limited and thus we simply assume that we must be limited as beings as well. But when we think more deeply into this, a simple conclusion arises, and that is, if we are simply this lowly physical beings, than why do we exist at all. It is this conundrum, as well as combined with our ability to think and question what it means to be human, that alludes to us being much more than we think we are.
In fact, with the advancement in physics and quantum mechanics, it appears that we aren't physical beings but rather made up an almost energy like substance. This insight raises even more questions about not only ourselves but the entire universe as well. To make things even more confusing, we are actually made up of the same sub-atomic particles as pretty much everything else in the universe. This further suggests that not only are we more than we think we are, but we might even be the entire universe, but through the viewpoint of our current human state. This also further pushes the notion that we as humans, are all one and the same, and we should always keep this in mind in every way we treat others, as well as ourselves.