Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body
This is such a great quote and gives us a different perspective to look at the emotion of pain. In fact it does raise some philosophical questions as well, not only about pain but about all emotions. If we feel happy or sad, do these emotions come out of thin air? or are they and have they, always been inside us to begin with? These are very profound questions and questions that we should actually spend more time pondering. But onto the topic of pain, this image of the famous Bulgarian gymnast Jordan Jovtchev, whom at the age of 39 still made the final of the rings event in the 2012 London Olympics, perfectly exemplifies this very quote. To be able to perform the rings event, which is the ultimate test of strength, is tough enough but to do it at an olympic level while being 39 years old, much older than his competitors shows that it is possible to overcome any type of pain in our lives, but with the right mindset. And this quote is the perfect mindset. Whether we are studying for an exam or training to be stronger, we will undoubtably experience pain, but we should be glad to experience this pain because it is in fact weakness leaving the body. Because being stronger either mentally or physically requires that weakness indeed leave the body.