The Power of Knowledge
This is an amazing illustration of just what it means to "arm yourself with knowledge". This is because the more knowledge you have, the more ammo you have at your disposal in obtaining any goal you might have. When you think of knowledge with this lens, you will begin to understand just how powerful your words and thoughts are. The opposite of knowledge is the weakness to be mislead and exploited, or worse to fight with actual bullets. In fact, every war that has ever happened involved the conflict of ideas, which may seem to only be resolved with brute force. But this is nothing but fiction. The best way to win a war is to first win the war of ideas. When you equip yourself with the necessary facts, as well as philosophy, it becomes clear that it is much more effective, and peaceful, to fight to change the minds of people, rather than to fight the actual people. So keep this in mind whenever you feel weak or powerless, arm yourself with knowledge and make your pen, or keyboard, your weapon of choice!