Respect Versus Being Liked
Sometimes in our lives we are faced with questions that define the character we choose to become and the path we choose to follow. Sometimes these questions are not easy because they involve a moral dilemma, often which is in the form of the question: Should we do what we deep-down believe is right or do what others around us perceive to be right? The answer to this question we must be willing to accept two different outcomes, either we are liked by others but disliked by ourselves, or we are disliked by others but liked by ourselves. While this is a tough question to answer, we must realize that being liked by others is not the same thing as being respected. This is because when others agree with you, they naturally benefit from you, so whether they respect you or not is not a question they concern themselves with. On the other hand, doing what you yourself believe is right regardless of the negative outcomes brings alone with it the respect of even your strongest opponents. When people know that you won't be sway by the views of the majority, then the only option they have is to respect you as a person that at the very least will be transparent in your beliefs and views. But more importantly than the respect of others, being true to yourself makes you gain respect of the only person that matters, and that is yourself.